Sales in POS
Once you have set up your POS store, invited users and listed products for sale, you are ready to make your first sales. You can also download the Cin7 Core POS mobile application to your device from the Apple Store or Google Play store to access all of these functions from your smartphone or tablet
Note: The camera of your mobile device can be used to scan barcodes when Scanning via Camera mode is enabled (in Cin7 Core web portal, go to Integrations → POS → [select store], and to the Setup tab)
Once you have mastered the basics, you may be interested in these POS features:
Set up Quick Keys: Within your register, you are able to add buttons called Quick Keys which enable you to quickly put through sales of your most popular products.
Set up a Loyalty program: Let your customers earn currency to spend in your store every time they make a purchase. The aim of a loyalty program is to increase customer retention and provide you with valuable information about your customer base.
Barcode features:
Advanced barcodes: By default, Cin7 Core POS is configured to use Product-based barcodes. Cin7 Core POS can also handle advanced barcodes with embedded data, which are ideal for stores that sell products based on weight or price, e.g. butcher shops, delicatessens, and fruit stands.
Additional/multiple barcodes: You may need to use additional or multiple barcodes for a product. This is not natively supported in Cin7 Core, however, the additional attributes feature can be used to implement multiple scannable barcodes in POS.
Gift Cards: You can offer Gift Cards to your customers that they can then use to pay for your products and services. Gift Cards can be generated and redeemed through Cin7 Core POS.
Click & collect: Cin7 Core sales that have been made through the Cin7 Core web portal or other sales channels can be collected from a Cin7 Core POS outlet location.
Schedule sale deliveries: Sales may be made through Cin7 Core POS that will be delivered to the customer later.
Note: Sales can be made from a tablet or smartphone using the Cin7 Core - POS (Point of Sale) app. The Cin7 Core - WMS (Warehouse Management Solution) app allows efficient picking and packing using your device and supported barcode scanner. Both apps can be used on the same device; choose Open WMS (in POS) or Open POS (WMS) to conveniently change between the two apps on the same device.
At least one POS register added to your base subscription
Connect printers and barcode scanners(optional)
The camera of your mobile device can be used to scan barcodes when Scanning via Camera mode is enabled (in Cin7 Core web portal, go to Integrations → POS → [select store], and to the Setup tab)
Connect a payment processor and payment hardware (required). Cin7 Core POS supports the following payment systems:
View sales dashboard
Go to Menu → Dashboard to view sales information for one or more POS outlets. Users will need the Can See Dashboard permission (Change permissions from the Cin7 Core web portal, Integrations → POS → [select store] and the Users tab).
The Dashboard can be filtered by POS outlet and by date range. Users can view Revenue, Sale Count, Return Count, Customer count, Gross Profit, COGs, Discount, Discount %, Basket Value and Basket Size.
Make a sale
Cin7 Core POS allows sales to be carried out from any device with a web browser. You will need to attach a barcode scanner to the device or enable camera scanning in order to scan items, alternatively you can search items manually and enter them.
Go to Menu → Sell → Register to display the sales register.
Add products to a sale
Once you have added a product/s to the sale, they will appear on the right-hand side of the screen in the shopping cart.
On the shopping cart list to the right, the following actions are available:
Remove a product from the shopping cart by clicking the delete item to the right of the line.
Click the Quantity field to edit the item quantity.
The price and discount fields can edited if the user has the permission to do so.
On the bottom right, you can add a customer, sales rep, note, or quick sale (add a product not listed in POS catalog) to the sale.
NOTE: Adding a customer is mandatory for some sales features, such as layby sales, on account sales, using store credit or using loyalty points. If you add a customer, you can also add a shipping address for the customer here.
You may select Discard to remove a sale from the register or Park to save a sale for later. Return to parked sales by navigating to Menu → Sell → Parked Sales.
Clicking Pay will take you to the payment screen where you can take payment for the sale.
Enter the tender amount and select the payment method.
Note: Payment workflow order can be changed to have payment method first. You will need to access Cin7 Core web portal and go to Integrations Cin7 Core → POS → [select store], then the Setup tab to change this setting.
Once the payment has been made you can print a receipt or email it to your customer directly. This completes the sale.
Check product availability
Enabling the product availability icon setting displays a small icon on each product tile in your catalog. Enable this setting from the Cin7 Core web portal, navigate to Integrations → Cin7 Core POS → [select store] → Setup. Under POS UI Settings, ensure the Product availability icon is active.
This will show the product availability icon on catalog tiles in the POS web portal or mobile application. Click the icon to view that product's availability across your outlets.
Additionally, from the Cin7 Core web portal, you can navigate to Integrations → Cin7 Core POS → [select store] → Setup → General Settings and enable Check Availability on Checkout. This will check the availability of all products in a sale before payment.
Park a sale and return to it later
If you are not able to complete a sale straight away, it can be "parked" and returned to later. This will save all the sale details, products, applied discounts, optional information, etc. for later and allow the user to start a new sale from the register.
During a sale, click Park at the bottom right of the screen to save the sale for later. You may optionally enter a note to remind you of any relevant details.
To return to a parked sale, navigate to Menu → Sell → Parked Sales. This will show all sales which have been parked from this outlet. Click a sale to open it, then complete the sale as usual.
Discard a sale
When you do not wish to continue with a sale, press Discard in the bottom-right to discard the sale and start a new sale.
Void a sale
Users need the Can void sales permission enabled from Cin7 Core web portal in order to void sales via Cin7 Core POS.
To void a sale, go to Menu → Sell → Sales History and open the sale you wish to void
Click Void - the sale will be cancelled along with all connected operations (payments, etc.), and all data removed from internal reports.
This feature is only available in online mode. The sale cannot be fulfilled and a customer deposit cannot be allocated to the sale.
Return or exchange a sale
Customers can return products for a refund or exchange products for other items. Returns and exchanges can be processed with or without an existing receipt, and for sales from other sales channels and POS outlets. See POS returns and exchanges for detailed instructions.
View sales history
Navigate to Menu → Sell → Sales History to see a list of sales from the Cin7 Core POS store. Sales can be filtered by date, outlet, status and also searched using the search box. Use the attach symbol to attach images or documents to a sale, attachments will be synced to Cin7 Core when sales are downloaded.
There are two sales view options:
POS Sales: All sales for this POS store are listed here automatically.
All Sales: If the user has the permission (set permission via Cin7 Core web portal, Integrations → Cin7 Core POS → Users) View All Sales, this screen will be available. Enter a Sale Order Number, Customer Name or an Invoice Number in the search field to populate all sales including backend sales from other sales channels.
Click a sale to view the sale details, re-print a receipt, and exchange or return a sale.
Print or email a sales receipt
You will automatically get the option of printing/emailing a receipt when you complete a sale, return or exchange. If you need to re-print a receipt for a customer, go to the Menu → Sell → Sales History. Open a sale, then click Print Receipt to print another copy.
Print or email a sales quote
Preparing a quote through Cin7 Core POS allows you to print or email a quote for a customer without continuing with the sale. The user can then later come back to the sale if the customer chooses to proceed.
Note: Quotes are not synchronised to the Cin7 Core web portal until the customer proceeds with the sale.
A customer must be added to the sale in order to generate a sale quote. If you have not added a customer to the sale, add one now. This will cause two extra options, Print and Email, to appear on the sales screen.
Email will open a pop-up with the option to enter the customer's email. Enter a valid email and click Email Quote. The quote will be shown in the body of the email as well as attached as a PDF.
Print will print the POS sale quote or download the sale quote as a PDF.
The quote template can be set and changed via the Cin7 Core web portal at Integrations → Cin7 Core POS → [selected store] → Setup → POS Template. See Manage Document and Email templates for more information about modifying document templates.
You can then Park the sale and return to it when the customer decides to proceed with the quote.
Create a service sale
There are two methods of adding service items to a sale in Cin7 Core POS.
List a service item from your inventory in your Cin7 Core POS catalog.
Add a service item in Cin7 Core POS.
Create a service item using Quick Sale, which will then be added to your Cin7 Core.
For the first method, you must first create a service via the Cin7 Core web portal. See Product and Service Management for more information on this process.
From the Cin7 Core web portal, go to Integrations → Cin7 Core POS → [selected store] → Catalog.
Search for the service item, and List it on your Cin7 Core POS store.
You will then be able to search for the service item in the Cin7 Core POS register and add it to the sale as with any other item.
The second method can be carried out entirely via the Cin7 Core POS application.
Go to Menu → Inventory → Products and select Add New Product.
Enter the product details, making sure Type is set to Service.
You will then be able to search for the service item in the Cin7 Core POS register and add it to the sale as with any other item.
The third method can be also be carried out via the Cin7 Core POS application.
When making a sale, click Add → Quick Sale. and enter the service details.
Click Add to add the service to the sale.
Once the sale has been completed, the a service product will be generated in your Cin7 Core for the quick sale product.
On account and layby sales
On Account sales occur when the payment is not collected at the time of the sale, but the customer can still take the goods with them. For Layby Sales, the goods are reserved for the customer but they cannot be taken until they are fully paid off. The user must have the permission Can sell on account in order to perform an on account sale. Set user permissions for Cin7 Core POS via the Cin7 Core web portal, Integrations → Cin7 Core POS → [selected store] → Users.
The sale is recorded against the customer's account (usually their name or business name). The customer is then able to come back at a later date to pay it off in full, or in instalments over time.
See On Account and layby sales for detailed information on this feature.