Setting up Cin7 Core POS - Basics

Setting up Cin7 Core POS - Basics

Cin7 Core Point of Sale (POS) allows you to turn any mobile devices into a point of sale. List your product catalog, invite users, make sales, process returns, accept payments, update stock levels and more. Details of sales from Cin7 Core POS are processed by Cin7 Core to be processed and to allocate stock for sale. Setting up Cin7 Core POS takes place through the Cin7 Core web portal.

Cin7 Core POS provides advanced, multi-directional integration with Cin7 Core. In general, the integration between Cin7 Core POS and Cin7 Core works in the following manner:

  • Customers purchase goods in store via Cin7 Core POS.

  • Cin7 Core POS sends the details of each sales order to Cin7 Core.

  • Cin7 Core creates a pending order in the staging area for each sale. Stock is immediately allocated to sales.

  • Depending on how Cin7 Core Point of Sale is configured, pending sales can be converted to Cin7 Core Sales Orders with stock, then written off from the inventory account.

Once you have followed the steps of configuring settings, adding outlets and registers, inviting users and listing products you can move on to the following articles:

  • Sales in POS: Learn how to process POS sales, exchanges, and returns.

  • Stocktake and stock transfer: Perform stock takes and transfer stock between different locations of your organization directly from your POS menu.

  • Order stock: Order replenishment stock from other warehouses or suppliers.

  • Set up Quick Keys: Within your register, you are able to add buttons called Quick Keys which enable you to quickly put through sales of your most popular products.

  • Set up a Loyalty program: Let your customers earn currency to spend in your store every time they make a purchase. The aim of a loyalty program is to increase customer retention and provide you with valuable information about your customer base.

  • Barcode features:

    • Advanced barcodes: By default, Cin7 Core POS is configured to use Product-based barcodes. Cin7 Core POS can also handle advanced barcodes with embedded data, which are ideal for stores that sell products based on weight or price, e.g. butcher shops, delicatessens, and fruit stands.

    • Additional/multiple barcodes: You may need to use additional or multiple barcodes for a product. This is not natively supported in Cin7 Core, however, the additional attributes feature can be used to implement multiple scannable barcodes in POS.


Watch the Cin7 Core POS video tutorial or follow the steps below to get started.


  • Set up Accounts (required)

  • Set up Users (required)

  • Set up Products (required)

  • Set up Tax Rules (required)

  • Set up Locations (recommended).

  • At least one POS register must be included in or added to your subscription.


Set up a new POS Store

POS Stores are set up and managed from the Integrations module of Cin7 Core. The first step is to set up a POS store for your organisation. POS is an add-on to the base subscription. Purchasing the add-on will unlock a POS store, outlet, and register. Additional POS registers can be purchased to add to the subscription, which can all belong to one store or store, or be distributed among multiple stores.

It is possible to link several POS stores to a single Cin7 Core account, with each linked store having its own, catalog, logs and settings. At least one additional POS must be added to your base subscription to add another POS store.

  1. Navigate to Integrations → Cin7 Core Point of Sale.

  2. Click the + icon to add a new POS point.  

  3. Enter a name for your store and click Add new POS. A new tab will be created for the POS store. If you have already added POS points, you can click the tab of an existing POS point to configure its settings.

  4. Once a POS point has been chosen, proceed to the Setup tab and fill in all the required fields. See Integration settings below for an explanation of the fields or skip to the next section.

Configure integration settings

Configure default settings for your POS store, including how orders are processed, how your products are displayed to users, and making sure your chart of accounts reflects your petty cash and till set up correctly. See more information about POS settings here.

Configure payment processors

You can connect the following payment processors and hardware with your POS store. Follow the links for detailed instructions on how to set up each payment processor.

Set up locations, POS outlets and registers

Cin7 Core POS is an add-on to the base subscription. Purchasing the add-on will unlock a POS store, outlet, and register. Additional POS registers can be purchased to add to the subscription, which can all belong to one store or store, or be distributed among multiple stores. You can add more POS registers from the My subscription page of your account.

For businesses that are operating from multiple locations, setting up outlets will help manage inventory and track sales effectively from every location. You can have one POS store outlet per location. If you have multiple POS stores, each store can have one outlet per location.

Learn more about locations, outlets, and registers.   

Users and user permissions

Users must be invited to your POS store before they can log in and sell your products. Users can be invited either from Cin7 Core web portal or from the POS application itself. User permissions can only be configured from Cin7 Core web portal, and any user invited via the application will have all permissions disabled by default. Users can have access to all outlets, or can be limited to selected outlets only. The available user roles are Cashier, Manager, and Administrator - managers have access to reports for their assigned outlets, while administrators can access reports from any outlet of a store. All other permissions can be freely enabled or disabled for any user, regardless or role.

Learn more about users and user permissions.

List products in your POS store

Products in your inventory must be listed on your POS store before they can be sold to customers through the POS interface. Products can be listed individually and in bulk from your POS settings, and can also be listed via each product's screen. See List products in your POS store for detailed instructions.

Products must already be created in Cin7 Core before they can be listed. See Products and Service Management for more details about creating products.

Downloading sales from POS to Cin7 Core

Walk-in/cash register sales made in your POS outlets are immediately viewable as pending orders from the Sales tab on the Cin7 Core POS Integration page. Pending orders are then processed into sale orders in Cin7 Core . See downloading sales from POS to Cin7 Core for more information.

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