Carry out a production operation
Use MES to carry out production operations. Consume components for production, record wastage, record production time, add notes, edit resources, and more. Keep an accurate record of everything that goes in or out of each operation and synchronize your data with Cin7 Core.
Advanced Manufacturing must be included in or added on to your subscription.
You must have defined resources in Cin7 Core.
You must have defined work centers in Cin7 Core and selected one or more in your work center settings.
Production run must be Released in Cin7 Core for its operations to be visible in your task list. If a released production order is Completed, Undone or Voided, it will be removed from the task list.
Finished products should have delivery locations in their production BOM.
You should have configured production process settings for:
Transferring finished products
Applying additional attributes to production orders, operations, and outputs
Start, suspend, and resume a production operation
Tap an active task card on the task list to view the production operation details. Work center code, operation name, product name, and production run number are displayed in the screen title. Next, you will see the expected output quantity of the operation, and the time spent on the operation so far.
Tap Start to start the production operation and the timer. This updates Cin7 Core with inventory movements and accounting transactions for component and resource costs.
Tap Suspend to pause the operation and the timer. You will need to select a reason for work center suspension.
Tap Resume to restart the operation and the timer.
You cannot edit production time from MES.
Consume components and inputs
The To consume tab shows what should be consumed and produced in this operation. You can see Production BOM entry types for more information on operation entry types, but a quick summary here:
Components: Products from your stock.
Inputs: Products created from previous production operations.
Outputs: Products from this operation that will be used in future production operations.
Finished products: Product defined by the production BOM. Each BOM can contain one or more finished products.
Outputs and finished products are listed the expected quantity to be produced from this operation. This quantity cannot be edited.
Components and inputs are listed with the following information:
Required: Quantity specified in the production BOM. This quantity cannot be edited.
Consumed: Quantity consumed from inventory for this operation.
Wastage: Optional field to input wastage quantity.
Auto-consume required quantity
Click Auto-consume to automatically fill the Consumed field with the Required quantity. This picks components and inputs from the operation work center's consumption bin.
If you run out of components in the consumption bin, you will need to pick from another bin.
Consume a different quantity
Tap the Consumed field to manually enter a quantity which could be greater or less than the Required quantity. You can edit quantities up until you complete the operation.
Scan or enter the serial/batch number, if applicable.
Change wastage quantity
Tap the Wastage field to manually enter a quantity which could be greater or less than the BOM wastage quantity. You can edit wastage up until you complete the operation.
Scan or enter the serial/batch number, if applicable.
Add a new component
Click Search and type the product name or SKU in the search field, or use the barcode scanner to enter the barcode.
Tap enter.
Select the component from the search list to add it to your production operation.
Edit the quantity if necessary.
Delete a component
Use the delete icon to delete components that have been added to the operation.
You cannot delete BOM components from the operation, but you can set their quantity to 0 by tapping Consume and editing the quantity.
Map batch or serial number
Map batch/serial # will only be visible if Product tracing is enabled for one or more of the finished products. See Product tracing with MES for more information.
View and manage resources
The Resource tab displays all resources for the operation, as specified by the BOM. These will be used automatically when you start the operation. You can edit resources at any time up until you complete the operation.
Click Add resource to select a resource from your available resources, select the quantity, and add it to the resource list.
Tap the delete icon to remove a resource.
Tap Quantity to increase or decrease resource quantity.
Add or view notes
The Notes tab displays production order and production operation notes. Use Order and Operation to show or hide notes for that category.
Text from the Comments of a production order are an order note. You cannot edit or delete this.
Notes added to the operation either in Cin7 Core or MES are operation notes. You can edit or delete these, even if another user made them.
Click Add note to add a new note to the operation.
Click an existing note to edit.
Click the delete icon to remove the note from the operation, in Cin7 Core and MES.
Add or view attachments and images
The Files tab displays documents and images attached to the production order, production operation, or the product. Use Product, Order, and Operation to show or hide notes for that category. You cannot edit or delete product and order files. You can delete operation files, including files added by another user.
Click Add file to add a new attachment or take a photo with your device camera.
Tap a file to view it.
Click the delete icon to remove the file from the operation, in Cin7 Core and MES.
View bill of materials (BOM)
The BOM tab shows the bill of materials for the finished product of the current production operation. This includes each operation in the sequence, planned time, and the inputs and outputs for each operation. You cannot edit the BOM from MES.
Enter additional attributes
The Additional attributes tab displays additional attributes sets that have been assigned to the production operation. See Assigning additional attributes to a production order/run, operation, or output for more information.
Additional attribute values can be edited and saved while an operation is in progress. Additional attributes for production output are entered with the output or yield of the operation.
Complete operation
Pressing Complete completes the operation and stops the timer. You will no longer be able to edit components, resources, or operation additional attributes.
If the operation does not produce output or finished products, this completes the operation and returns you to the task list.
If the operation produces outputs or finished products, you will be asked to enter the output or yield.
Enter output
When you complete an operation with an output or finished product you will be asked to enter the output quantities.
Use Edit output data to change the following pieces of information if necessary:
Location: Select where the output or finished product will be stored until it is put away. The star marks the default option for that product or work center.
Serial/batch (Serial/batch costing methods only): Text or scan input for serial and batch numbers. MES will auto-generate batch and serial numbers if left blank. Use Copy to create multiple batch entries. This is only visible for Finished products.
Expiry date (FEFO costing methods only):Input expiry date.This is only visible for Finished products.
- Produced quantity: Enter the actual quantity produced. By default, this field will contain the planned quantity.
Wastage quantity: Enter any wastage.
Additional attribute values: If an attribute set has been assigned to the output in your production settings you will be able to click Edit and enter values here. This is only visible for Finished products.
Press Finish when you have finished editing output data.
Press Complete to finish the operation and return to the task list. If this is the last operation in the sequence, this will automatically complete the production run. If this is the last production run in the order, this will automatically complete the production order.
If you didn't use all the components in the operation, you will be given the option to transfer unused components to a storage location.
Transfer unused components
If some production components (does not include inputs, outputs, or finished products) remain unused after you have finished the production operation is completed, you can transfer these products to a storage location. If you choose not to transfer, the components will be left in the consumption bin or shop floor location where they were picked from.
The transfer page will show a list of the unused components.
Select the quantity to transfer, select Transfer all to transfer the entire quantity, or scan item barcodes to add them to the transfer quantity.
Select the location and bin where the unused component should be transferred to. By default, this is the location specified in the product's record.
Press Finish to return to the task list view and start the next operation. Transfer orders are created with status Ordered for the unused components, grouped by location. The transfer orders will now be available in the Stock transfer list of the application.
Edit production time
Actual time is calculated from the times the operation is started, suspended, resumed, and completed. This is used to calculate production efficiency.
You cannot edit production time from within MES, however, if you have the Edit actual timepermission you can edit this from within Cin7 Core.