Fulfill Shopify orders

Fulfill Shopify orders

Sale orders can either be fulfilled from Shopify or fulfilled from Cin7 Core. When an order is fulfilled from Shopify, Cin7 Core downloads the order including completed fulfillment details and allocate stock from the fulfillment location.

When an order is fulfilled from Cin7 Core, Cin7 Core downloads the order according to your fulfillment processing mode, and you may have to manually complete the pick, pack, and ship stages. Fulfillment status and tracking number are shared with Shopify when Ship is authorized.


  • You should have connected to Shopify.

  • We recommend you map Shopify locations to Cin7 Core locations.

  • You should have configured your Shopify settings. Several settings will affect how fulfillment is handled by Shopify and Cin7 Core:

    • Consolidate orders determines if orders are captured as individual sales, or consolidated together into one daily sale. We recommend No consolidation to process fulfillments from Cin7 Core and send shipping information to Shopify.

    • Capture orders when determines if orders are brought to Cin7 Core when they are created, paid, or fulfilled. You should select Created or Paid to process fulfillments from Cin7 Core.

    • Processing mode for online sales determines if pick, pack, and ship should be authorized automatically when orders are captured, or if you will have to manually authorize these stages in Cin7 Core. You should select any processing mode except Load data from Shopify to process fulfillments from Cin7 Core and send shipping information to Shopify.

    • Enable partial fulfillment to allow Cin7 Core to update fulfillment status and tracking number for each order item in Shopify. If disabled Cin7 Core will send a single fulfillment status and tracking number to Shopify as soon as one item is fulfilled.

    • Allow fulfillments without tracking number to mark orders as fulfilled in Shopify without a tracking number from Cin7 Core when Ship is authorized.

  • We recommend that you have listed products from Cin7 Core or downloaded products from Shopify, however, products will still be downloaded automatically from Shopify if they are part of a sale order.

Fulfillment for Shopify online sales

Orders captured before fulfillment

Cin7 Core allocates stock from the Sale location.

  • First, Cin7 Core checks if Location for online sales is set to Order routing. Order routing locations are always used regardless of Shopify fulfillment location.

  • Next, Cin7 Core checks if the sale location in Shopify is mapped to a Cin7 Core location.

  • Otherwise, Location for online sales is the sale location.

When Ship is authorized in Cin7 Core for the order, Cin7 Core updates the fulfillment status in Shopify and sends a tracking URL if available. Shipping information is only be sent to Shopify for unconsolidated orders.

Orders captured after fulfillment

Cin7 Core allocates stock from the Fulfillment location.

  • First, Cin7 Core checks if the fulfillment location in Shopify is mapped to a Cin7 Core location.

  • Otherwise, Location for online sales is the fulfillment location.

No further information is sent to Shopify after the order is captured. Shopify sends fulfillment data to Cin7 Core.

Partially fulfill orders

In Shopify you can make several fulfillments of the same order, known as partial fulfillment. Enabling partial fulfillment in Cin7 Core lets you export fulfillment status and tracking URLs for each item instead of the order as a whole.

When partial fulfillment is disabled in Cin7 Core, only the order ID and tracking number are exported to Shopify, and any partial fulfillment will mark an order as fulfilled in Shopify.

Advanced sales can create multiple fulfillments by default. Simple sales in Cin7 Core must be converted to advanced sales to fulfill an order partially. When Cin7 Core next synchronizes with Shopify, the order in Shopify will receive the status Partially fulfilled and the tracking number if available.

Fulfillment for Shopify POS orders

Fulfillment status for Shopify POS orders is managed from your Shopify POS settings. In you Shopify POS settings, you can enable or disable marking orders as fulfilled (typically enabled if customers take their purchase with them upon payment). This fulfilled or unfulfilled status is passed to Cin7 Core when the sale is downloaded to Cin7 Core.

Shopify POS orders are marked as unfulfilled regardless of Shopify POS settings when there is at least one product with costing methods Special-Serial, Special-Batch, FIFO-Serial, FIFO-Batch, FEFO-Serial, FEFO-Batch in the order. This is because Shopify POS does not pass the batch and serial number to Cin7 Core. You must manually fulfill these orders in Cin7 Core.

Load fulfillment data from Shopify

This section describes how the Load data from Shopifyprocessing mode works. You will need to complete the following steps to use this Cin7 Core setting:

  • In Shopify: Enable multi-location.

  • In Shopify: Create locations and assign Shopify products to locations.

  • In Shopify: Configure shipment profiles including:

    • Geographical zones

    • Delivery rates

    • Default package sizes

    • Product weights

  • In Cin7 Core: Map Shopify locations to Cin7 Core locations.

When an order is fulfilled in Shopify, Cin7 Core loads fulfillment data to auto-fill the Pick, Pack, and Ship sections of a sale order. Cin7 Core receives the item pick location (fulfillment location), shipment address, shipment date, packing information, and carrier for every item in the order. Shopify does not send tracking URLs to Cin7 Core. Cin7 Core will not update fulfillment details or statuses in Shopify.

Pick, pack, and ship are authorized automatically in Cin7 Core and stock levels in Cin7 Core are updated. If there is not enough stock in Cin7 Core to complete the pick, pick will remain unauthorized.

Non-inventory and dropship items in an order will be fulfilled according to Shopify rules but Cin7 Core will download customer details and sale information.

Auto-assembly will be triggered in Cin7 Core when Cin7 Core captures and processes the fulfilled order containing auto-assembled items.

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