Shopify settings

Shopify settings

Customize your Shopify integration settings from the Setup section of your integration. This article explains how each setting works in detail.


Load orders from Shopify

Enable or disable loading orders from Shopify.

  • When disabled, no orders from Shopify automatically sync to Cin7 Core. Manually loading orders from the Pending orders tab is disabled. You may want to disable loading orders from Shopify to prepare for big events like Christmas and Black Friday, stop orders coming through if there is a technical problem, or to close the shop until you have organized your back-end.

  • When enabled, Cin7 Core loads sales from Shopify according to your other settings’ configuration.

Order lock date

Stop orders and payments from before this date automatically syncing from Shopify to Cin7 Core.You can still manually load orders from before this date. Payments and orders created after this date are not affected. This setting does not impact refunds; refunds for orders prior to the order lock date work as normal.

Capture order when it is

This option specifies when a Shopify order will be captured: when it is created, when it is paid, or when it is fulfilled in Shopify. This setting also takes into account when downloads of historical orders from Shopify are triggered.

  • Created: Capture orders when created if you need to edit orders before processing.

  • Paid: Capture orders when paid if you only want to download actionable orders to fulfill in Cin7 Core or a connected shipping integration.

  • Fulfilled: Capture orders when fulfilled if you process your orders in Shopify, but use Cin7 Core to record accounting, inventory control, and order history.

When downloading orders from Shopify, the Required by date for the order depends on this setting. If orders are captured when paid, then the required by date of the order will be the payment date. If orders are captured when fulfilled, then the required by date of the order will be the ‘ship date’ from the integration.

Consolidate orders

Download each order from Shopify individually, or consolidate orders into one large order to summarize daily accounting transactions and inventory movements.

No consolidation captures each sale from Shopify individually when it reaches your order capture status. This option gives you the most control of an order, allows editing the order before processing, allows you to manage individual credit notes and refunds in Core, and can update Shopify with order status changes. This option is better if you receive orders through Shopify but process and fulfill them in Cin7 Core.

Daily consolidation will consolidate all orders from that day into a single order. This option does not allow you to single out an order that is part of the consolidated group in Cin7 Core, and will not update any order fulfillment status in Shopify. This option is better if you process everything, including refunds, through Shopify, but transfer information to Cin7 Core to record accounting transactions, order history, and inventory movements.

When you select daily consolidation, you can then choose a Consolidation time. This is your local time when Cin7 Core will process all pending orders aggregated during the day.

Regardless of the consolidation mode, credit notes and refunds sync into Cin7 Core automatically once the shipping and invoice tabs of a sale order are authorized in Cin7 Core.


Every order requires a customer, including consolidated orders. Choose a customer from your records or create a new dummy customer for consolidated orders or to use when no customer record is available in Shopify.

Use company as a customer

In Shopify, each sale order has an optional Company field. If you would like Cin7 Core to create a customer using the company name (as opposed to the customer name attached to the sale order in Shopify), select this option. Cin7 Core will us the customer name if no company name is available.Only applicable to unconsolidated orders.

This setting affects what is displayed on shipping labels and shipping and billing documents.

Some third-party shipping providers require a name and not a company name.

Sale price tier

This is the price tier that Cin7 Core uses as the default price shown to customers. The price tier applies when products are downloaded from and updated in Shopify.

Show comparison price / Compare price tier

Shopify lets you set a comparison price tier, for example, for customers to compare the retail price with a previous higher price. Choose a price tier here to map it to the Shopify Compare at price tier.

Pick, pack, and ship processing mode for online sales

When a pending order from Shopify is processed, a new sale task is created in Cin7 Core. This setting tells Cin7 Core if it should try to auto pick, auto pack, or auto ship imported sales, import the order as a draft, or load all data from Shopify after an order is completed.

This setting applies to online sales only. Fulfillment status for Shopify POS orders are managed from Shopify POS settings. See Fulfillment for Shopify POS orders for more information.

  • Draft allows manual control of the order, such as changing order details before picking.

    • Please note that changes to an order may mean the order does not match the eventual invoice generated in Shopify.

    • Cin7 Core will update fulfillment status in Shopify and send tracking information.
    • Not recommended for consolidated orders.
  • No picking imports an authorized but not picked order. This option is often chosen if you pick, pack, and ship, your own products, but sell custom or niche items that cannot be easily exchanged for another.

    • The order information is fixed, but manual action is required in Cin7 Core to authorize the pick.

    • This option means you can still override soft stock allocation when picking, for example picking a different batch/serial number in a product with a Specialcosting method, or if you find sales demand first before stocking products to sell.

    • Cin7 Core will update fulfillment status in Shopify and send tracking information.

    • Not recommended for consolidated orders.

  • Auto pick imports an authorized order with authorized pick. Pack and ship must be authorized manually. This option is best when you are picking, packing, and shipping your own products, but they are generic items that can be replaced by another unit of the same item.

    • This option lets Cin7 Core list which items should be picked according to their costing method, then you take those products and continue to pack and ship to customers.

    • Cin7 Core will update fulfillment status in Shopify and send tracking information.

    • Not recommended for consolidated orders.

  • Auto pick + pack imports an authorized order with authorized pick and pack. Ship must be authorized manually. This option is usually chosen when you use a 3rd party shipping service, where you ship multiple orders to them in one bulk box.

    • Cin7 Core will update fulfillment status in Shopify and send tracking information.

    • Not recommended for consolidated orders.

  • Auto pick + pack + ship imports an authorized order with pick, pack, and ship also authorized. This option is usually chosen when orders are processed in Shopify, but you print shipping labels through a connected shipping integration in Cin7 Core.

    • Cin7 Core does not pick up shipment information from Shopify, and will not create fulfillments in Shopify in this case.

    • Cin7 Core will update fulfillment status in Shopify and send tracking information.

    • Can be used for consolidated and unconsolidated orders.

  • Load data from Shopify loads orders from Shopify after fulfillment. This option is usually chosen when orders and fulfillments are processed in Shopify but you use Cin7 Core to record accounting, inventory, and order information.

    • Fulfillment information will be downloaded to Cin7 Core from Shopify.

    • Cin7 Core will not update fulfillment status or tracking information in Shopify.

    • Recommended for consolidated orders.

    • See Load fulfillment data from Shopify for more information and requirements.

If there is not enough stock on hand to pick the full quantity of products in an order, then pick will remain in the draft state, and pack and ship won’t be completed.

Process auto-assembly

This setting applies when products with an assembly BOM and auto-assembly enabled are sold via the Shopify store. This dropdown field has two options:

  • For ordered quantity: Does not check stock quantity. An assembly order is created for the quantity specified in the sale order, regardless of stock availability. Choose this option if your organization has tightly controlled inventory. If you have negative availability when authorizing an order, you will not have enough stock to fulfill the order.

  • For minimum quantity required for picking: Checks the available stock quantity before creating an assembly order. Choose this option if you prefer to flexibly optimize the number of assembled units.

    • If stock availability is negative, auto-assembly produces more than the sale order quantity.

    • If there is already stock available in inventory but not enough to fulfill the sale order quantity, auto-assembly assembles the difference in quantity needed to meet the sale order requirement.

    • If stock availability exceeds sale order quantity, auto-assembly is not triggered.

Stock availability is validated against the sale order location and does not take into account any stock quantity currently on order.

Ignore restock for non-fulfilled sales

Ignore restock for non-fulfilled sales is only applicable when Pick, pack, and ship mode for processing online sales is set to Auto pick + pack + ship. In this mode, there is an error where sales can be imported to Cin7 Core without a fulfillment from Shopify. If a refund is processed to this sale, the system produces an error trying to restock an item that was never sent to the customer. The sale and refund appears on the log with status Pending fulfillment.

We recommend turning on this setting if you use Auto pick + pack + ship. This makes sureCin7 Core adjusts restock and stock allocation quantities to match the fulfilled items of the sale.

Enable partial fulfillment

In Shopify you have the ability to make several fulfillments for the same order, or, partial fulfillment. This mirrors the advanced sale feature in Cin7 Core.

  • Enable this setting to allow partial fulfillment from Cin7 Core. This updates the tracking number and fulfillment status for each item of the order. We recommend enabling this if you partially fulfill orders for your customers.

  • Disable this setting to export one order ID and tracking number; any partial fulfillment marks an order as fulfilled in Shopify. We recommend keeping this setting disabled if you do not partially fulfill orders.

You must meet the following requirements to use this setting:

  • Shopify locations must be mapped one-to-one to Cin7 Core locations.

  • Fulfillment data must flow from Cin7 Core to Shopify; Pick, pack, and ship processing mode for online sales must be any value except Load data from Shopify.

See Partial fulfillment for more information.

Send tracking URL

When tracking information is available in Cin7 Core, this is automatically sent to Shopify. The tracking information consists of

  • A carrier-specific URL, for example

  • A tracking number unique to a specific fulfillment, for example

Cin7 Core can send the tracking URL to Shopify With tracking number or Without tracking number attached. You may prefer one of these options over the other depending on how you process tracking information to pass on to your customers. The tracking number is also exported to a separate field in Shopify.

Invoice status

Cin7 Core creates sale orders imported from Shopify with invoice status Draft or Authorized.

  • Draft: Draft invoices can be edited and must be manually authorized. With this option, you can change the invoice date, for example to match invoice date to shipping date so accounting transactions take place on the same day as stock movements. Payments for draft invoices are not imported from Shopify until the invoice is authorized and another sync takes place.

  • Authorized: Authorized invoices cannot be edited. Any payments from Shopify are immediately synced to Cin7 Core. The invoice syncs to your accounting application as soon as the next sync is triggered.

List products as draft

When List products as draft is enabled, products are pushed with Active status in Shopify admin but are not visible in Shopify sales channels and apps. Use this option when you need to make changes to the item descriptions, images, languages, and similar in Shopify before making products live for sale.

Update stock levels in Shopify

Automatic stock updates are enabled or disabled with Update stock levels in Shopify. Stock levels update automatically in Shopify every time there is a change in the product stock level in Cin7 Core, such as a sale fulfillment, purchase order receipt, transfer, write-off, stock adjustment, or return. This setting is required to Use buffer inventory.

You may want to turn stock updates off if you are not sure you have the correct quantities in Cin7 Core, or if you are testing some promotional inventory in Shopify that does not reflect real stock levels.

Manual stock updates and stock updates when a product is listed or updated are not affected by this setting.

Use buffer inventory

Requires Update stock levels in Shopify. Allows for an inventory buffer on stock quantities pushed to Shopify.

When enabled, a new field appears to enter an integer number of stock to act as a buffer. Buffer inventory applies to all listed products, but can be made higher or lower for individual products. See Buffer inventory for more information.

You need to list or update products to set or update buffer inventory in Shopify.

Allow users to purchase item, even if it is no longer in stock

Enable this setting to allow backorder, allowing customers to buy products through the Shopify store even if there is zero stock in Cin7 Core.

  • When backorder is enabled and a customer buys a zero-stock product, Cin7 Core generates a backorder for the negative item quantity.

  • When disabled, customers cannot buy out of stock items through Shopify.

This setting applies to all listed to products. You can also enable or disable backorder for individual products.

Create fulfillment in Shopify even if tracking number is not available

Authori in Cin7 Core will send tracking information to Shopify and mark items or orders as fulfilled.

  • When enabled, Cin7 Core will mark an item or order as fulfilled in Shopify when ship is authorized, even without a tracking number. You may want to use this option if you do not use a fulfillment service and do not always have tracking numbers for your packages.

  • When disabled, you will always need a tracking number in Cin7 Core for Shopify to mark an item as fulfilled when ship is authorized.

Allow Cin7 Core to create Shopify products when Cin7 Core product names are not unique

In Shopify, the unique identifier for a product is the product Name. In Cin7 Core, the unique identifier is the product SKU. This can cause unique products in Cin7 Core to be treated as duplicates in Shopify when you do not want that.

  • When this setting is enabled, Cin7 Core will create a new product in Shopify for every Cin7 Core unique combination of product Name and SKU. For example, SKU001: Black shirt, SKU002: Black shirt, and SKU003, Black shirt will all be created as unique products in Shopify.

  • When this setting is disabled, products with the same Name in Cin7 Core will be treated as the same product in Shopify, even if the SKUs are different. For example, SKU001: Black shirt, SKU002: Black shirt, and SKU003, Black shirt will be created as one product.

Import duplicate SKUs from Shopify

In Cin7 Core, the unique identifier is the product SKU.In Shopify, the unique identifier for a product is the product Name. This can cause Shopify products with the same SKU to not be imported to Cin7 Core.

  • When this setting is enabled, Cin7 Core uses the auto-assembly feature to process duplicate SKUs from Shopify as a single product in Cin7 Core. Please see Duplicate SKUs in Shopify for detailed information including how this affects stock updates, sale orders, and catalog listings.

  • When this setting is disabled, Cin7 Core will only download the first instance of an SKU it encounters from Shopify. Other products with the same SKU will be skipped until you can change Shopify SKUs to unique values.

Bring discount codes from Shopify

This setting applies when Add a discount as: Additional charge is selected. When creating additional charges for discount, the discount Description includes the name of the discount. When disabled, the description shows only Discount. See Downloading discounts and discount codes.

Master of data

This setting controls which system will be master of data when performing actions that affect both systems. Select from the following options:

  • Shopify: Cin7 Core does not modify any existing Shopify product/variant related details, except stock level (if stock level update is enabled). New products/variants can be created with details from Cin7 Core as needed.

  • Cin7 Core: Shopify does not modify any existing Cin7 Core product/variant related details. New products can be created with details from Shopify as needed, including intermediate products for duplicate SKU support.

  • Source system: Any system can modify each other, and the current action will make the source system the master for that operation, updating existing product details in the target system. Downloading products from Shopify makes Shopify the master and listing products from Cin7 Core makes Cin7 Core the master.

Add a company to the address

Enable Add a company to the address to add a company name, if provided, to the billing address in addition to the customer name.

Location for online sales

The location you select here is used as the default location in Cin7 Core for sales imported from Shopify. (Online Shopify sales only). Only one default location can be set per Shopify online store.

If this is set to Default location, the Catalog shows stock availability as the sum of all units across all locations in Cin7 Core. If set to a specific location, the catalog sale location stock shows available stock in that location only.

Cin7 Core checks the fulfillment location in Shopify when a fulfilled online sale is loaded to Cin7 Core. If the Shopify fulfillment location is mapped to a Cin7 Core location in the Cin7 Core Shopify settings, this location is used in Cin7 Core to fulfill the online sale instead. See Fulfillment for Shopify online sales.

This setting does not apply to Shopify POS sales. Shopify POS sales have a specific location set for them. The location mapping table (see below) is used to link Shopify POS locations to related Cin7 Core location and to control stock level update process.

Gift card liability account

Using the Gift certificate feature in Shopify requires a mapped liability account to record gift card sales. Select a liability account that can accept payments from the dropdown menu.

Sale orders containing gift certificates will stay in Pending orders without processing until a gift card liability account is mapped here.

Optional revenue account

Select an optional revenue account to be used for sales downloaded from Shopify. This takes priority over any other revenue account applied to the product, customer, sale, or default revenue account mapping.

Sales representative name

Sales representative is a mandatory field in Cin7 Core. Enter a name here to use as the sales representative for all sales captured from this store.

Add a discount as

Add discounts as price reduction to order lines or as additional charges. See Downloading discounts and discount codes.

Auto-retry sale order sync

Orders from Shopify can fail to import during sync and then are not created as sales in Cin7 Core. Enable Auto-retry sale order sync to attempt to import any missed orders again at midnight every day automatically.

Any errors due to sale import failure are captured in the Operations log. They also generate an internal notification in Cin7 Core containing sale order details and error information.

We recommend keeping this setting on at all times.

Import Shopify sale order tags to

Shopify allows you to create custom tags for sale orders which can be used to search and filter sales.

Import Shopify sale order type to

Cin7 Core can pull the order type or source name from a Shopify order, identifying if an order was from online, POS, or B2B, etc.

Import additional properties from Shopify

Some 3rd party applications integrated with Shopify allow customers to customize products when purchasing, such as size, color, or engraving. Enable Import additional properties from Shopify to download this information to the Comment field of the sale in Cin7 Core. All additional properties will be stored as text in the same field. This is only applicable to sales without consolidation.

Retail delivery fee account

This is only visible only if your Shopify store is based in the US. You only need to configure this setting if you are based in Colorado.

Select a credit card type liability account for this field from the dropdown menu. This will store retail delivery free transaction so that the correct tax rule can be applied, due to a processing requirement between Shopify, Cin7 Core, and Xero/QuickBooks.

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