Inventory Movement Summary Report
The report shows a summary of stock movements in a specified timeframe. Use this report to see financial information such as stock on hand value, volume on hand (if dimensions are specified), unit cost and average cost for all active products on a specific date. The summary report does not show transaction references.
The report may show negative On Hand quantity in case stock is received after the To Date and some sale movements that used that stock occurred before the To Date.
Only users with the Inventory Reporting permission can access this report.
Data from this report can be exported in Excel, PDF or RTF format.
Reporting Period |
Allows the user to select the reporting period from a list of options or set a custom date range. |
Layout |
Set to the Default layout. Allows selection of saved layouts, if any. |
Save Layout As |
Allows saving a layout for potential future use. |
Reset Layout |
Resets the layout to the default layout or selected saved layout. |
Select Apply Filter to set filter fields for the report and Update to refresh the output with any new changes. See Managing Cin7 Core Reports - Filtering Reports for more detailed information about using filters.
The following output fields are available for this report. You may have to open the Configure Layout menu to add some of them to your report.
Fields | |
Product SKU |
Product |
Name of the product |
Unit |
The product's unit of measure |
Location |
Location of the warehouse where stock is kept |
Batch/SN |
Product Batch or Serial number |
Barcode |
Product Barcode |
Tags |
Comma-separated product tags |
Category |
Product category |
Brand |
Product brand |
Family |
Product family name |
Stock Locator |
Location in the warehouse |
Product Additional Attribute 1-10 |
Additional product attributes and their values |
Data Headers |
Quantity On Hand |
Quantity on hand as of the end date of the selected time period |
In |
Quantity of stock moved into the location within the selected time period |
Out |
Quantity of stock moved out of the location within the selected time period |
Unit Cost |
Stock on Hand / Quantity on Hand as of the end date of the selected time period, in base currency |
Average Cost |
Average Cost in Cin7 Core is calculated as Value on Hand/Quantity on Hand for every given product. It is calculated from the average purchase price paid for the products including any landed costs. All historical costs of an item are used by the system to compute the Average Cost. Average Cost in Cin7 Core is used for informational and estimating purposes only and does not affect your P&L statement. |
Stock on Hand |
Value of stock on hand as of the end date of the selected time period |
Volume on Hand |
Volume on hand = Product Height * Product Width * Product Length * Quantity On Hand. This value will be incorrect if dimensions have not been entered in your inventory product details. |
What are the common sources of report discrepancies?
These include the following:
Stock received date is later than sale date – this can cause negative stock on hand values.
Goods invoiced but not yet received. Stock in transit is not included in the report if Inventory Accrual is not enabled.
Manual Journals that don't have any reflection in stock movements but do affect the balance sheet report.
The Transactions vs Stock on Hand report is the first place to check when encountering discrepancies between the Balance Sheet and Inventory Movement Summary.
Can you please tell me why an inventory movement is missing from this report?
Usually, this is an issue with the date filters. By default the date filter is set to "Last Month", however, if you are part-way through the next month, this may miss some recent inventory movements. Try setting the reporting period to 'Last 30 days' or setting a custom date range instead. Missing entries can also be caused by cache problems. Try clearing your cache and refreshing to see if the issue persists.
I'm looking for a report that will allow me to view inventory by SKU, production date/ expiry date, and location.
'Inventory Movement Details' and 'Inventory Movement Summary' allow you to extract all of the details by SKU, expiry date and location. If in the default view the headings are not available, you can add the headings by clicking on 'More fields' and dragging the required heading(s) to the report. Per the current design of Cin7 Core, the production date is only available in the Finished Goods Analysis report. As a workaround, you can add the headings 'PO date' and 'Invoice date' both in the Inventory Movement Details report.
There is a big discrepancy between Average Cost and Unit Cost; what is happening?
Unit Cost is calculated according to your actual Costing Method for the reporting period including landed costs. Average Cost is an estimated value calculated from all historical purchase prices paid for the products including any landed costs. Average Cost is used for reference only and does not affect your P&L statement. Average Cost is affected by Stock Adjustments/Stock Revaluation and stops updating if On Hand Quantity drops to 0, which can cause discrepancies in the system. See Average Cost for more information.
We are experiencing a high level of stock discrepancy between Cin7 Core and warehouse counts. To resolve these discrepancies we are starting with the Inventory Movement Summary report as recommended by you. We want to compare with our warehouse count dated 31 Jan 2019. However, the Inventory Movement Summary is showing some negative stock levels on 31 Jan 2019. Why is this so?
The Inventory Movement Summary shows on hand as per To report date. It can have a negative amount if stock received date is later than sale date for instance. Negative values can happen if you have backdated the adjustment or have future-dated the stock received. Stock received date should always have a date prior to the stock being taken out of inventory. The Movements tab of a product is useful for determining whether such an error has occurred.
The stock value as per the Balance Sheet does not agree with the stock value on the inventory movement report ending on the same date. Also the movement in stock on hand between months does not agree with the differences in stock values as per the Inventory Movement Summary report. Why does it differ from the stock on hand figure shown on the balance sheet?
Stock in transit is not included in this report. Some of the discrepancies may be caused by Goods invoiced but not received. Check the Financial Transactions vs Stock on Hand Difference report for specific purchases that can contribute to the difference. Also, you may want to enable accrual accounting in General Settings for purchases to properly attribute costs and generate valid transactions.
I'm seeing inaccurate values on my report. Stock on Hand is not matching Unit Cost x Quantity. Why?
Cost in this report is calculated for every batch/serial number (client has serialised stock). But since the Batch field is hidden in the report, the Cost field is recalculated using the Average function, which results in this discrepancy. If the Stock On Hand figure still doesn't match the result of Quantity on Hand * Unit Cost even after adding batch/SN information in the report, it just means that there were other succeeding transactions that were processed, and the report is showing Quantity and Stock On Hand figures as of the To Date of the Report, while the Average Cost shown is the calculation up to the current date.
I want to get a year end inventory number for [Company]. The reporting seems to conflict in the information they present. What am I missing?
Use the Inventory Movement Summary report in this case. This shows the summary of stock movements in a specified From-To timeframe together with the stock on hand value on the To date. Just filter the date you want to generate and you can also add and remove the data/columns in the report.
Product availability / Product Stock Level shows data including all movements not filtered by date.
Inventory Movement Summary shows on hand as per To report date. It can have a negative amount if stock received date is later than sale date for instance, which is possible. Inventory movement details shows details between the report dates.
Discrepancies can also be caused by the fact that the Product Stock Level report only shows stock products with active status, while the Inventory Movement Summary report shows all of them.
Still no answer to your question? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Cin7 Core support.
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