Product Availability Report

Product Availability Report

This takes you to the Product Availability page. Cin7 Core allows the user to view the availability of their products, including what has been allocated to sales and work orders.

In case the stock is currently on order, Cin7 Core informs you of the expected delivery date of the ordered stock. Customers can then decide whether to back order (see Back Orders for more information) or opt for an alternative if the incoming stock is not expected to be available soon enough.

See Viewing Product Availability for detailed information.

The Product Availability Report will only show SKUs that have had movements or transactions (authorized sale/purchase order, stock adjustment, etc.) or an initial stock quantity. Out of stock products with no movements will not appear, even if Show only non-zero quantities is unticked. To see products that do not yet have any movements, try the Stock Level Report which will indicate All SKUs Listed.


Report options

The following table shows the options for the report.


When clicked, refreshes the report with the latest Cin7 Core information.


When clicked, exports the report data to Excel.


When clicked, prints labels for selected products.

Report fields

The information on the Product Availability page is presented in the table below. See Calculation of Available, On Hand and Allocated Stock quantity for more detail about how these values are calculated.




Category of the product


Name of the product


Location(s) where the product is stocked


Bin(s) where the product is stocked

Batch/Serial #

Batch or serial number of the product. If this and the Expiry Date columns are hidden from the page, the Available column shows consolidated info for all locations.

Expiry Date

Expiry date of the product. If this and the Batch/Serial # columns are hidden from the page, the Available column shows consolidated info for all locations.

Additional attributes 1-10

Additional attributes assigned to the product

Stock Value

Value of the product stock

On Hand

Quantity of items in stock


Quantity of items available for allocation. Computed as the difference between items On Hand and Allocated.

On Order

Quantity of items with authorized purchase orders that have not yet been received


Quantity of items allocated to the sales order (after the sales order is authorized and before the item is shipped)

Next Delivery

Expected delivery date of the ordered product, regardless of whether the product is in stock or not. The displayed date follows the selected Date Format option in General Settings.


Product Brand


Product Family name


Product unit of measure

Stock Locator

Stock Locator for the product

Price Tier 1

Tier 1 Price

Price Tier 2

Tier 2 Price

Price Tier 3

Tier 3 Price


Product Status (ACTIVE or DEPRECATED)

On-Hand Volume

Quantity on Hand x H x L x W dimensions. If dimensions have not been entered for a product, this value will show as 0.

Unit Cost

Unit Cost of the product based on the purchase price, COGS and any landed costs

Add or remove fields to the table to change the view by using the Settings icon in the corner of the page. You can also sort the table view by ascending or descending values of each heading by hovering over the heading name. Return the layout to default by selecting Reset Layout.

Cin7 Foresight AI features

If you are integrated with Cin7 Foresight AI, you will see some additional features on this page.

  • Winners, the SKUs that generate most of your revenue, are marked in this report.

  • An additional column, Stock indicator, displays whether the SKU/location combination is overstocked, in or close to stockout, or blank (which indicates healthy stock levels). Stock indicator is displayed for the SKU and location, and not for batch/serial numbers and bins.

  • A Suggest reorder button will take you to view smart reorder suggestions from Foresight AI.

Learn more about Cin7 Foresight AI.


I sell items in multiple set quantities. How is this shown in Product Availability?

If you sell products in multiple set quantities, (for example a single apple and a 6-pack), you can set up Additional Units of Measure to automatically handle conversions. When larger packs are purchased, they are automatically disassembled into the smallest or base unit. For 6 apples, the product availability screen will show 6 singles on hand but one 6-pack and 6 singles available for sale.

I sell both finished goods and components. If the components are in stock, is the finished good shown as available?

Yes, the finished good availability will be estimated per the amount of its components in stock. Only assembled finished goods will appear as On hand, however Available will estimate both assembled finished goods and finished goods that could be assembled from in-stock components. The finished good will not show as available, even with components in stock, if it does not have any movements or transactions associated with it.

Is it possible to see the total quantity of a serial tracked item, rather than seeing individual serial numbers?

If the costing method is selected as serial/batch, the products will be shown the availability according to the unique serial/atch number. You can hide the serial/batch and expiry date columns to view the total SKU availability.

When I look at stock availability at my location with bins sthere are multiples and it's confusing. Is there a better way to lay this out?

You can add the Bin heading to the product availability layout by using the Settings icon as shown.


We added several items during a now completed stocktake. Why is there quantity shown as zero?

This can happen because products have been zeroed out during stocktake. You can void this stocktake to put the Qty back to inventory. Also, keep in mind when doing a stocktake, if there are no changes on the available Qty, it should be entered in the Stocktake Quantity again so that it will not zero out the items. If it is not possible to void the stocktake, perform a stock adjustment to put back the correct quantity.


Can we get the date of the purchase order for on order stock to show on the product availability screen?

To see a purchase order date by purchase order use the Purchase Order Details Report. Purchase Order Date is not currently an available feature on the Product Availability screen.

Is it possible to see the total quantity of a serial tracked item, rather than seeing individual serial numbers?

If the costing method is selected as Serial/Batch, product availability will be shown according to the unique Serial/Batch number. You can hide the Serial/Batch and Expiry Date columns to view total SKU availability.

How can I see the value of inventory on a certain date?

Use the Inventory Summary Report to view inventory value for a certain date. Set the end of the reporting period to the date you want and use the stock on hand value.

Why is the number of available products different between Availability and Stock Transfer?

Products with an authorized sale order will no longer be marked as available on the Product Availability report, however, are still available to be transferred between warehouses using Stock Transfer. When Pick is authorized, the product will no longer be available for Stock Transfer.

Still no answer to your question? Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Cin7 Core support.

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