Managing Price Tiers
Cin7 Core lets you set up to 10 price points for each individual product. Customers are assigned a price tier which sets what price they can buy products for. Price Tier names are set up in General Settings while Price Tier values are managed from the Inventory module.
Price tiers can be assigned to customers on the customer details screen or to a sale order in the document header. The sale order price tier takes priority over the customer price tier.
Setting prices at the product level is optional since they can also be set and modified at the purchase or sales level. Price Tier amounts can be set manually or calculated using markup rules, including the option to dynamically follow changes in supplier pricing.
You can also set custom product prices for different customers. See Custom Pricing for more information.
Set up Products (required)
Set up Suppliers (recommended)
Users will need the Settings - Your Company – General Settings permission to edit price tier names.
Users will need the Inventory - Products and families and Product – Price info permission to edit price tier values.
Edit price tier names
Set different names for your price fields from the Cin7 Core settings module.
Set price tier names:
Navigate to Settings → General Settings → Price Tier Names.
Enter the Price Tier names into the fields.
Click Save.
Edit price tier values
Cin7 Core allows you to set up to 10 price tier values for your products. To set price tier values, navigate to Inventory → Products and select the product you want to add prices to. The Prices tab is visible in the left hand menus. Price Tier amounts can be set manually or calculated using markup rules, including the option to dynamically follow changes in supplier pricing.
Simple pricing
Static pricing is the simplest pricing. On the Prices tab, simply click the Price field for the price tier and enter the static value. Make sure that the Calculated box is unchecked. The other fields will become read-only and will not affect the price, even if they have already been filled in.
Note: Static price tiers do not undergo currency conversion.
For example, consider two customers: Customer 1 has a base currency of AUD (your base currency), while Customer 2 has a base currency of USD. If they are both assigned the 'Retail' price tier of 200 for a product, the sale order for Customer 1 will display AU$200, while the sale order for Customer 2 will display US$200. If using simple pricing, we recommend to use separate price tiers for customers with other base currencies.
You can also use calculated pricing to convert specific prices to different currencies using the most current rate. See Multicurrency for more information.
Markup pricing – Markup% and Append
Price Tier amounts can also be calculated using multiple different base prices. To enable this option, simply check the Calculated box for that price tier.
Note: All calculated prices are shown in your base currency. Markup percentages or append values are added after the currency conversion. When selling in a different currency, the selling price will be recalculated according to the most current conversion rate from See Multicurrency for more information.
There are two types of calculated prices – Markup% or Append.
Markup% – the final price is calculated as a percentage of the base value. The percentage to mark up is entered into the Value field. A value of 30 gives a 30% markup.
Append – the append value is simply added to the base value. Append values always refer to your base currency.
In the Use field, you can select the base value for calculated prices. Cin7 Core allows you to select from four base values:
Average Cost – this is the default base value. See Average Costfor more information on how this value is calculated. The current average cost for the product is displayed on the Prices tab for that product.
In the image below, Retail price tier is set to Type: Append, Use: Average Cost, Value: 40. 146.06 (Average Cost) + 40 (Append value) = 186.06 AUD. This price will be converted to the buyer currency upon a sale.
In the image below, Wholesale price tier is set to Type: Markup %, Use: Average Cost, Value: 20. 146.06 (Average Cost) + 29.21(Markup 20%) = 175.27 AUD. This price value will be converted to the buyer currency upon a sale. This price value will be converted to the buyer currency upon a sale.
Fixed Supplier Price – fixed supplier prices are set on the Supplierstab for the product. If there are two or more fixed supplier prices for a product, the fixed price with the latest Last Supplied Date is used for the calculated price. If the fixed supplier price is in a different currency, it is converted into the base Cin7 Core currency first before the markup price is calculated.
In the image below, Special Price price tier is set to Type: Markup %, Use: Fixed price, Value: 10. The last supplied fixed price is 150. 150 (Fixed Supplier Price) + 15 (Markup 10%) = 165 AUD. This price value will be converted to the buyer currency upon a sale.
Last Supplier Price – the last supplier prices for a product can be viewed on the Supplierstab for the product. If there are two or more price values for a product, the price with the latest Last Supplied Date is used in calculating the markup price. If the last supplier price is in a different currency, it is converted into the base Cin7 Core currency first before the markup price is calculated.
This is calculated in thee same was as Fixed Supplier Price.
Price Tier Value– the number in the Value field is used as the price. When a customer buying this product has a different base currency, the price tier value is dynamically converted into the customer's base currency with the current conversion rate.
In the image below, Euro price tier is set to Use: Price Tier Value, Value: 180. The price is 180 AUD. This price value will be converted to the buyer currency upon a sale. The other fields are greyed out, as they are not in use.
You may wish to adjust calculated prices to set up a special price ending/charm pricing strategy – this is done using rounding tables.
Rounding Tables
Rounding tables are used to adjust calculated prices to implement special price endings/charm pricing strategies. Rounding tables are set up in General Settings.
Set up a rounding table:
Navigate to Settings → General Settings → Rounding Table.
Click + to add a new rounding rule.
Enter the range of numbers to be covered by the rule. The first number under the Range from column is always 0 while the Range to column should be the greatest number that will be covered by the rule.
Enter a value in the Round to Nearest column. This will be the rule that Cin7 Core will use for your calculated prices. For example, if the Round to Nearest value is 0.1 and the Calculated price is 8.54, the price will be set to 8.50 after applying the rounding rule.
By default, No adjustment is selected as the adjustment rule. This means that the amount will not be adjusted after the rounding rule is applied. You may change this to either Add or Subtract.
If the adjustment rule is set to Add or Subtract in Step 5, enter a number under the Value column. This is the amount that will be added to or subtracted from the price after the rounding rule is applied.
Repeat Steps 3-6 to set up your other rounding rules, then click Save.
In this rounding table example:
A calculated price of 2.34 will be rounded/adjusted to 2.
A calculated price of 38.87 will be rounded/adjusted to 38.90 (39 - 0.1).
A calculated price of 137.80 will be rounded to 139 (140 - 1).
Rounding prices are applied after deals.
Importing prices via CSV
It is possible to import and edit prices in bulk using CSV files. There are 3 different CSV files, for simple prices, markup prices and custom prices.
Import simple prices
Simple prices are imported using the Inventory List CSV.
Note: Simple prices are static and do not change based on the customer base currency.
Navigate to Inventory → Products.
Click Export → Inventory List and download the file. This will export a list of all of the products in your inventory.
Open the file and edit the Price Tier cells. There are 10 price tier cells for each inventory list line.
Save your changes. Upload the edited file by clicking Import → Inventory List.
Import markup prices
Markup prices are imported using the Markup Prices CSV.
Navigate to Inventory → Products.
Click Export → Markup Prices and download the file. This will export a list of all of the products in your inventory which currently have at least one markup price specified. Alternatively, click Import -> Markup Prices and download the blank template.
Open the file and edit the cells. You will need to specify ProductSKU, Price Tier to create/update. It is not required to specify the Product Name when creating new markup prices (this is shown for your information on export). Available Markup Types are Append and Markup%. Available UseTypes are Average Cost, Fixed Supplier Price, Last Supplier Price, Price Tier Value. Finally, specify the Value of the markup pricing. See Markup pricing for more information on how prices are calculated from these parameters.
There are three possible values for Action. These are Create, Update and Delete. If left blank, Create/Update is assumed. Delete will remove the markup pricing for the specified price tier for a product.
Save your changes. Upload the edited file by clicking Import → Markup Prices.
Exporting Markup Prices only generates CSV lines for products that already have at least one markup price specified. This is convenient to update existing markup pricing, but not immediately apparent how to populate initial markup pricing for large quantities of products. For populating initial markup pricing, it is recommended to copy the ProductSKU column from the Inventory List CSV and paste it into the Markup Pricing CSV. Markup pricing for PriceTier 1 can then be input. This can be repeated as many times as required for up to 10 price tiers.
Import custom prices
Custom prices are imported using the Custom Prices CSV. Custom prices are treated as simple prices, i.e. static values.
Navigate to Inventory → Products.
Click Export → Custom Prices and download the file. This will export a list of all of the products in your inventory which currently have at least one custom price specified. Alternatively, click Import → Custom Prices and download the blank template.
Open the file and edit the cells. You will need to specify ProductSKU, Customer Name and Price. A new line is required for each customer price for each product. It is not required to specify the Product Name when creating new markup prices (this is shown for your information on export).
There are three possible values for Action. These are Create, Update and Delete. If left blank, Create/Update is assumed. Delete will remove the markup pricing for the specified price tier for a product.
Save your changes. Upload the edited file by clicking Import → Markup Prices.
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