Using Shipping Service for Shipping Rate Quotes

Using Shipping Service for Shipping Rate Quotes

Integrating shipping services in Cin7 Core (Currently supported: ShipStation, Shippit, StarShipIT) allows you to estimate how much shipping charges will be at the quote/order stage of a sale. The rate is based from the location specified in the document to the customer's shipping address. Shipping rate quotes can only be generated for real addresses and for products which have dimensions and weight listed.


  • Connect a shipping service (required)

  • User will need the following permissions:

    • User will need to enable permission for at least one shipping service to access the integration settings.

    • User will need the Sale → Sale Task – Pack view: Sales List & Tasks permission to enter package information and shipping instructions.

    • User will need the Sale → Sale Task – Ship view: Sales List & Tasks permission is required to generate the shipping label.



There are some steps to setup before you can start using shipping services to calculate rates. These can be skipped if you have done them already.

Setup addresses in Cin7 Core

To correctly calculate shipping rates, you must first define where you are shipping from. Add addresses to all of your locations to make sure your shipping rates are accurate.

To setup addresses in Cin7 Core:

  1. Go to Settings → Reference Books → Stock → Locations & Bins.

  2. You can add more locations with + or Add more items.

  3. Enter a name and address for each location.

  4. Save your changes.


Setup product dimensions

To correctly estimate shipping rates using shipping services, the correct dimensions must be added to the product in Cin7 Core. See Product and Service Management for more information about setting up products.

To setup dimensions in Cin7 Core:

  1. Go to Inventory → View All → Products.

  2. Select the product in question and at the bottom of the page, select the Dimensions tab.

  3. Enter the dimensions and Save the product.

Connect a Shipping Service

Shipping services are connected via the integrations module. Cin7 Core supports integration with Shipstation, Shippit and StarShipIT for estimating Shipping Rates. Please see the shipping service articles for more information.

Using Shipping Rate Estimates

Once the setup steps are complete, you can begin to estimate shipping rates on sale orders. Shipstation, Shippit and StarShipIT support shipping rate estimation, more information is available through the links.

If Cin7 Core receives an error during shipping rate estimation, an error message will appear with a downloadable .txt file with the error data. If the error is unexpected, the user will also see an email dialog box with attached error data log file which can be sent to the shipping service provider customer support.

If the final shipping rate in the shipping service ends up being a different value than the shipping rate estimate, the cost will flow back to Cin7 Core so Cin7 Core will reflect the correct shipping rates.

Using Shipping Rate Estimates in Cin7 Core

Shipping rate estimates in Cin7 Core can be calculated at the Quote or Order stage of a sale order. This equally works in simple sales and advanced sales.

To get shipping rate estimates in Cin7 Core:

  1. Create a sale order using Simple Sale or Advanced Sale.

  2. Add products to the order.

  3. Click Get Shipping Rates.

  4. Select a shipping service from the dropdown menu.

  5. A dialogue box will appear where you will need to select CARRIER and SERVICE type then click OK. Carriers and Services details are imported from the shipping service. The estimated shipping rate is shown next to each service.

  6. Select a service and click OK to add the shipping rate estimate to the additional charges section.

Using Shipping Rate Estimates in B2B Portal

To get Shipping Rate Estimates in B2B Portal:

  1. Go to Integrations → Cin7 Core B2B Portal.

  2. In the Setup tab scroll down to Shipping Service and select the shipping service you wish to use from the drop down. Click Save.  

  3. During CHECKOUT the shipping methods from the selected shipping service will be automatically shown for customer's selection in Step 3: Shipping Method.


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