Download orders from Shopify
Cin7 Core captures information from Shopify orders and downloads them to Core. Depending on your Shopify settings, you can process and fulfill sales completely in Shopify then download the completed order to Cin7 Core, capture draft sales and process all steps in Cin7 Core, or any combination in between.
You should have connected to Shopify.
You should have configured your Shopify settings. Several settings will affect how sale orders are captured and processed from Shopify:
Consolidate orders determines if orders are captured as individual sales, or consolidated together into one daily sale.
Capture orders when determines if orders are brought to Cin7 Core when they are created, paid, or fulfilled.
Processing mode for online sales determines if pick, pack, and ship should be authorized automatically when orders are captured, or if you will have to manually authorize these stages in Cin7 Core.
Invoice status determines if the sale invoice is brought to Cin7 Core in draft status or authorized. Authorized invoices allow you to add payments to the invoice straight away.
Allow backorder determines if you can sell products with no stock on hand in your Shopify store.
We recommend that you have listed products from Cin7 Core or downloaded products from Shopify, however, products will still be downloaded automatically from Shopify if they are part of a sale order.
Load orders from Shopify
Cin7 Core loads most orders from Shopify automatically, however, you can also load orders manually. Orders loaded from Shopify will remain in the Pending orders section until they are processed by Core. Stock is allocated immediately, reducing the available quantity in Shopify and other connected sales channels.
Load orders automatically
When a Shopify store is connected to Cin7 Core, automatic notifications are triggered whenever a Shopify order is Created, Fulfilled, Paid, Canceled, or Deleted.
According to your order capture settings, Cin7 Core will automatically capture an order from Shopify when the order is created, fulfilled, or paid, and store it in the Pending orders section. Sometimes it takes up to 10 minutes for the order to be picked up by Cin7 Core because Shopify may send notifications with some delay.
If Daily consolidation is selected, the orders will stay in Pending orders until the Consolidation time, when they will be processed as a single consolidated sale order in Cin7 Core.
If No consolidation is selected, the orders will be processed into sales automatically in Cin7 Core within a few minutes.
Load orders manually
Most of your orders will be automatically loaded from Shopify, however, you may need to manually load orders for testing, if loading orders was turned off temporarily, if you have changed your order capture setting, or if you need to load an order you have previously loaded and deleted.
In your Shopify integration, go to the Pending orders section.
Click Load orders, which will open a pop-up window.
Select a date to load all orders from that date onwards.
Click Load from Shopify to start. This operation can take some time, you can safely close the pop-up window and leave it to run in the background. Shopify allows orders up to 1 month old to be downloaded manually.
View pending orders
Orders captured from Shopify are stored in the Pending orders section before being converted to sales in Cin7 Core.
Select the Pending orders tab of your Shopify integration.
Process orders
Processing a pending order converts it into a sale order in Cin7 Core. See Order field mapping for how order fields in Shopify are mapped to sale order fields in Cin7 Core.
You can view all processed orders in the Log section. If an order already has an entry in the log (i.e. was imported previously), it will not be processed again. This guarantees that no duplicate sales will be created by Cin7 Core. This also means we do not capture changes made to orders after they are downloaded to Cin7 Core.
When processing orders, the logic is the same to that of the Cin7 Core UI. Dropshipping, kitting, and other important scenarios are implemented in the same way. Products which are optionally dropshipped in Cin7 Core will always be dropshipped if sold from Shopify.
All line items are captured together with quantities, prices, and totals. Discounts can be captured in different ways depending on your Shopify settings. Shipping and handling charges are saved as additional charges in the invoice under shipping.
Cin7 Core will apply captured payments to the associated sale invoice if payment accounts are mapped and the invoice is authorized.
Process orders automatically
Pending orders are usually processed automatically into sale orders in Cin7 Core.
If No consolidation is selected, the orders will be processed into sales automatically in Cin7 Core within a few minutes.
If Daily consolidation is selected, the orders will stay in Pending orders until the Consolidation time, when they will be processed as a single consolidated sale order in Cin7 Core.
Process orders manually
Cin7 Core automatically converts pending orders into sale orders, either within a few minutes for unconsolidated orders or once a day for consolidated orders. However, you can manually process pending orders at any time.
In your Shopify integration, go to the Pending orders section.
Click Process. This will convert any pending orders into individual sale orders in Cin7 Core regardless of order consolidation settings.
Edit an order
Editing an order in Shopify after it has been captured in Cin7 Core does not edit the order details in Cin7 Core. Editing an order in Cin7 Core does not export changes to Shopify.
To edit an order, you have two options:
Manually edit the order in Cin7 Core to match the changes made to the Shopify order.
Void or cancel the sale in Cin7 Core, delete the log entry for the order, then re-import the modified order.
View order log
Shopify orders which have successfully been converted to a sale in Cin7 Core receive an entry in the Log. If an order already has an entry in the log (i.e. was imported previously), it will not be processed again. This guarantees that no duplicate sales will be created by Cin7 Core. Use X Delete to remove a log entry.
Select the Log tab of your Shopify integration. Consolidated sales will additionally include the Download date and Process date.
Fulfill Shopify orders
Sale orders can either be fulfilled from Shopify or fulfilled from Cin7 Core.
When an order is fulfilled from Shopify, Cin7 Core will download the order including fulfillment details and allocate stock from the fulfillment location.
When an order is fulfilled from Cin7 Core, Cin7 Core will download the order according to your fulfillment processing mode, and you may have to manually complete the pick, pack, and ship stages. Fulfillment information is shared with Shopify when Ship is authorized.
See Fulfill Shopify orders for more information.
Cancel or delete an order in Shopify
When a Shopify order is canceled or deleted, Cin7 Core automatically finds and voids the corresponding sale task, if created, or removes an associated pending order if the order has not yet been processed.
Your sales channel and product settings may allow your customers to buy items that are not in stock. This creates backorders in Cin7 Core. Please see Backorder for ecommerce channels for more information.
Sales spikes
During sale events, Shopify can create a large spike of transactions within a very short time period. This requires a large number of API calls to sync all of the orders to Cin7 Core. Shopify limitations on large numbers of queries can lead to delays in data loading and updates to related operations such as stock level updates and shipment updates.
To handle these cases, Cin7 Core automatically checks for sales spikes and temporarily disables sale capturing and stock level updates when the Shopify API capacity is close to being exceeded. Pending sales are logged and downloaded to Cin7 Core at 5 minute intervals. Pending sales are temporarily stored in the Logs section with status To be loaded for later processing.
Manual sales loading and processing is not affected. Automatic sales loading and processing will return to normal automatically when the sales spike is over.
Downloading duties and duty taxes
When you sell goods through your Shopify store to a customer in a different country, the customer may be charged duty. See Shopify's documentation for duty collection here.
Duties are taxed and both duties and duty tax are returned to the customer during refund.
Duty amount and duty taxes are gathered for each order line before syncing to Cin7 Core. These amounts will be added to the sale in Cin7 Core as additional charges and their taxes. The same process will occur when processing refunds and issuing credit notes.
Downloading discounts and discount codes
Cin7 Core does not perform any discount calculations, it simply captures the discount amount from Shopify and imports it with the order. Your Shopify settings will determine how the discount is displayed on a sale in Cin7 Core.
Discounts can be brought through to Cin7 Core as an additional charge, or applied as a product price reduction. This is controlled by the settingAdd a discount as.
Add a discount as price reduction
If you select Price reduction, discounts applied to a single item will not show the discount code name, but will show the applied discount and reduced price as part of the item line of the sale. Discounts applied to the entire order will be proportionally applied to the order lines as a price reduction on each line.
Add a discount as an additional charge
If you select Additional charge, you can also choose to Bring discount codes from Shopify. This affects how the additional charge lines for discounts are captured and displayed. For a discount OFFER10 applied to SKU AA00, this will look like this:
If Bring discount codes from Shopify is enabled, the additional charge Description is Discount OFFER10. The additional charge Comment is the discounted product SKU, AA00. Cin7 Core will create an additional charge line for every combination of order line and discount code. Discount OFFER10 is created as a service product once only, every time the OFFER10 discount is downloaded from Shopify, the same service product is added as an additional charge in Core.
If Bring discount codes from Shopify is disabled, the additional charge Description is Discount. The additional charge Comment is the discounted product SKU, AA00. Cin7 Core creates an additional charge line for every discounted order line. Discount is created as a service product once only, every time a discount is downloaded from Shopify, the same service product is added as an additional charge in Core.
Discounts applied to the order are applied proportionally to each order line with an additional charge is created for each line, showing the order line's tax rule. This ensures that discount tax is correctly calculated for your accounting records and in the event of a refund.
Import sale order tags from Shopify
Shopify allows you to create custom tags for sale orders which can be used to search and filter sales. This information is optionally stored in the additional attribute set assigned to your sale process, and can be view in sale order reports such as Sale Order Details.
Assign a default attribute set to your sales process customization settings. The additional attribute set requires one empty field of type Text to store sale order tags pulled from Shopify. We recommend naming this field an easily identifiable name.
Enable Import Shopify sale order tags to in your Shopify settings.
- Select an empty field of type Text to store the sale order tags. Sale order tags will be pulled in when an unconsolidated order is downloaded and stored in the field in plain text, separated by commas. Tags can be deleted and/or edited on the Cin7 Core side.
Import sale order type from Shopify
Cin7 Core can pull the order type or source name from a Shopify order, identifying if an order was from online, POS, or B2B. This information is optionally stored in the additional attribute set assigned to your sale process, and can be view in sale order reports such as Sale Order Details.
Assign a default attribute set to your sales process customization settings. The additional attribute set requires one empty field of type Text to store order type pulled from Shopify. We recommend naming this field an easily identifiable name.
Enable Import Shopify order type to in your Shopify settings.
- Select an empty field of type Text to store the order type. Sale order type will be pulled in when an unconsolidated order is downloaded and stored in the field in plain text.
Import additional properties from Shopify
Shopify uses 3rd party applications which enables your customers to customize products when purchasing, such as size, color, engraving, and more. You can download these additional properties from Shopify to the sale Comment field in Cin7 Core if you enable Import additional properties from Shopify.
Order field mapping
Cin7 Core sale order fields |
Will have value:
No consolidation |
Daily consolidation |
Online sale |
POS sale |
Online sale |
POS sale |
Customer and customer details (contact, phone, email) |
If Use company as a customer is disabled:
If Use company as a customer is enabled:
Default customer in Shopify settings will be used. |
Reference |
Shopify sale order #. |
Reference added with the date on which the sales were consolidated. Ex: Shopify sales for 28/05/2024 |
Billing address |
No billing address is specified for a POS sale. |
Empty |
No billing address is specified for a POS sale. |
Price tier |
Sale price tier specified in Shopify settings.
Terms |
Customer's payment term
Sales rep |
Account |
Tax rule |
Will be set according to tax rule mapping in Shopify settings. |
Invoice # |
Generated automatically by Cin7 Core.
Invoice date |
Shopify sale order creation date.
Due date |
Calculated from invoice date + payment term
Location |
Date |
Shopify sale order creation date. |
Shipping address |
No shipping address is specified for a POS sale. |
Empty. |
No shipping address is specified for a POS sale. |
Ship to company |
Company name from Shopify if provided. |
Not specified. |
Ship to contact |
Customer contact name from Shopify if provided. |
Not specified. |
Shipping notes |
Shopify notes and shipping contact phone if provided and if differs from billing contact phone. |
Empty. |
Comments |
Shopify notes. |
Contains all sale order numbers that were consolidated. |
Required by |
Date when Cin7 Core processes Shopify order to a sale. This will depend on the order capture date. |
Shopify sale order creation date. |
Carrier/service |
In store pickup |
In store pickup. |