Using the Dashboard

Using the Dashboard

The Cin7 Core dashboard gives users a window into the status of the organization, outstanding orders, bills to be paid, etc. There are several sections that can be expanded, minimized and re-positioned. Data from the Dashboard widgets cannot be exported.

Choose which dashboard sections are visible to users through setting permissions in Settings → Users & Roles. The following permissions are available:

  • Key Performance Indicator Section

  • Purchases, Bill and Orders Sections

  • Sales, Products Overview, Customers Overview Sections

  • Reorder Section


All dashboard sections can be moved, minimised, expanded, moved around and moved from the display using the icons on the top-right of each section. Hover your cursor over the title bar of a section to move it by dragging and dropping.


Cin7 Core does not support adding custom fields to the Dashboard. However, clients can use our API documentation to extract information from Cin7 Core and create their own displays.

Manage Dashboard

You can manage the dashboard display from the top of the screen. No permissions are required to view this section.

Select the date range for the dashboard display from the dropdown menu. You can also select to compare the dashboard data to data from the previous period or previous year. This will only affect the KPI section and Purchases, Bills and Orders section. Comparison will show as a percentage in increase or decrease next to listed values.

Clicking Manage Dashboard allows you to choose which dashboard widgets are visible. You will need the user permission for the widgets for them to be visible in this menu. The manage dashboard menu will also allow you to expand all widgets, collapse all widgets or reset the dashboard layout to its default settings (all widgets visible).

Quick Links

The Quick Links section allows you to quickly jump to the organization's Chart of Accounts, Suppliers list, Products (and services) list, Customers list and Bank Accounts. Please follow the links for more information on each of these areas.

No permissions are required to view this widget.


Referral Program

Earn referral credit and reduce your subscription fee by referring someone who you think should be using Cin7 Core. When they sign up for an Active Subscription, you will earn a Referral Credit of 10% of their Total Payment amount which you can use for your next payment. The customer you invited to Cin7 Core receives a discount of 10% for 6 months on their base plan. Easily share your referral code from this dashboard section.

No permissions are required to view this widget.


Video tutorials and knowledge base

Explore tutorials and user documentation from these sections to fully understand how to get the most out of Cin7 Core.

No permissions are required to view this widget.


Key Performance Indicators Section

The Key Performance Indicators section displays important information about the organization at a glance. Click the icons along the top of the section to change the graph view. The graph display can be changed (Bars, line, line with points, etc.) using the dropdown menu, while clicking View Report displays the same information in table form.

  • Revenue/Net: Shows revenue, expenses and net revenue month by month over the previous year. This will be the same as the Income and Net Profit figures you can view in the Profit and Loss Report.

  • Pending Orders:Shows the value of pending sales orders. Pending sales orders include all sales orders that have been authorized but have not yet been paid.

    • Note: This may differ from values in the Pending Sales Report. The Report was specifically created to identify sale orders that have not yet been fulfilled, while this KPI is to indicate sale orders that have not yet been paid.

  • Due/Overdue: Shows the net value of due/overdue bills for sales to your organisation.

  • Inflow/Outflow: Shows the total amount of money flowing into and out of the company. It is not limited to revenue and expenses.


The Dashboard:Key Performance Indicators permission is required to view this widget. Data cannot be exported from this widget.


Bills and Orders Section

This section offers an overview of your organization's outstanding purchase orders and bills, plus quick links to relevant Cin7 Core sections (e.g. click the Awaiting Delivery tile to be taken to the list of purchase tasks awaiting delivery). This section displays a graph of your due/overdue bills. The graph display can be changed (Bars, line, line with points, etc.) using the dropdown menu, while clicking View Report displays the due and overdue totals in table form.

  • New – creates a new purchase task.

  • Import – takes you to the import log. Click Purchase Tasks at the top of the screen to import new purchase tasks via CSV.

  • View All – display the purchase tasks list.


The Dashboard:Purchases, Bill and Orders Sections permission is required to view this widget. Data cannot be exported from this widget.

Dashboard Status


Draft PO

Purchase order is not authorized, this is not Blind Receipt, and task is not Voided.

Draft Bill

PO is completed. Invoice is not authorized. In Stock First scenario Stock is Fully Received.                                                                                                                   

Awaiting Payment

Invoice is a authorized and total invoice amount is not equal to total payments for this invoice.                                                                                                                   

Awaiting Delivery

Previous step in Purchase is authorized (Order or Invoice), but stock received is not authorized.                                                                                                                   


Total invoice is not equal to total payments for this invoice, and current date is after invoice due date.                                                                                                                   

Purchases Section

Whereas the Bills and Orders section offers an overview showing total outstanding values, the Purchases section offers a more detailed look. Click the tabs at the top of the section to change the purchase tasks display. Click on Go to the Purchases List to view all purchases. Click on individual purchase tasks to be taken to the task details. The total value of each section (Awaiting payment, overdue invoices, etc.) is not displayed.

Pressing the Gear icon allows you to change the table headings and choose what information is displayed/hidden.

The Dashboard:Purchases, Bill and Orders Sections permission is required to view this widget. Data cannot be exported from this widget, however purchase information can be exported from the Purchases list. This section is not filtered by the dashboard date filter - all purchases are shown.

Sales Section

This section offers a more detailed look at the organization's outstanding sales orders. Click the tabs at the top of the section to change the sale tasks display. Click on individual sale tasks to be taken to the task details. Click on Go to the Sales List to view all sales. The total value of each section (Awaiting payment, overdue invoices, etc.) is not displayed.

Pressing the Gear icon allows you to change the table headings and choose what information is displayed/hidden.

The Dashboard: Sales, Products Overview, Customers Overview Sections permission is required to view this widget. Data cannot be exported from this widget, however purchase information can be exported from the Sales list. This section is not filtered by the dashboard date filter - all sales are shown.

Customer Overview Section

This section shows you your top customers, sales rep performance, and which customers have yet to make a sale. You can also use the By Products icon to see which customers have bought a product and in what quantities.

Pressing the Gear icon allows you to change the table headings and choose what information is displayed/hidden.

The Dashboard: Sales, Products Overview, Customers Overview Sections permission is required to view this widget. Data cannot be exported from this widget, however you can find some of this information in exportable format from the Customer Orders By Product report and Profit by Sales Representatives report.  This section is not filtered by the dashboard date filter - all customers are shown.


Product Overview Section

In this section, you can see your best and worst selling products, as well as revenue by brand and region. Click the product name to be taken to the product details screen. Click Go to Products List to be taken to the list of all products and services.

Pressing the Gear icon allows you to change the table headings and choose what information is displayed/hidden.

The Dashboard: >Sales, Products Overview, Customers Overview Sections permission is required to view this widget. Data cannot be exported from this widget, however you can find some of this information in exportable format from the Sales by Product Details report and Sales by Product Summary report. This section is not filtered by the dashboard date filter - all products are shown.


Reorder Section

This section of the dashboard displays products that have been backordered or reordered, the supplier the product is being reordered from, and the total quantity currently available + quantity on order. Clicking on the product line will take you to either the low stock reorder or reorder backordered screen.

Pressing the Gear icon allows you to change the table headings and choose what information is displayed/hidden.

When stock level on a product in this section becomes equal to or greater than the minimum before reorder defined at the product or product location level (or 0 in the case of a backordered product), it will be removed from the box.

The Dashboard: Reorder Sections permission is required to view this widget. Data cannot be exported from this widget, however you can find some of this information in exportable format from the Sales Backorder Details report, Sales Backorder Summary report, Find Sale Backorder by Purchase Order report, and Products Reordering report.

Note: Auto-disassembly products will not appear in this section.


Reminders Section

System reminders on pending tasks that require your immediate attention can be set up so that you can be reminded about them as soon as you log on to Cin7 Core. These appear in the Reminders portlet on your dashboard. See Reminders for more information.

No permissions are required to view this section. Data cannot be exported from this widget. This section is not filtered by the dashboard date filter - all reminders are shown.


Cin7 ForesightAI

ForesightAI gives you a snapshot of your inventory health at a glance. There are multiple optional widgets available for your Cin7 Core Dashboard.

  • The Over/under stock dashboard widget displays the current number of items in stockout, overstock, and healthy states in each location.

  • The Inventory health widget displays stockout and overstock percentage, plus the amount of revenue lost to stockouts via lost sales.

  • The Stock trend widget displays how the stockout percentage, overstock percentage, and lost revenue have changed over time.

  • The Winners and losers widgets shows the stock share and stock value of each category. Use the dropdown field to switch between your organization's locations.


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