WMS user permissions

WMS user permissions

Cin7 Core offers fine-grained control over user permissions, allowing you to select which users can see tasks, authorize tasks, authorize pick but not pack, and more. Permissions applied in Cin7 Core also apply to users of the WMS app. In this article we will explain which permissions apply to the warehouse management system application features.



Permissions applicable to WMS

Many inventory, purchase, and sale permissions apply to the WMS application in the same way as to users of Cin7 Core. Please see Introduction to users and Manage roles and User permissions explained for how to configure user permissions.

WMS Area


Permissions required:

Working Area

Set working area

Location (Only users with access to a location will see this location as an option when setting the working area)


Pick stock for sales

Sale - Sales list and tasks (full access)

Sale - Sale task – Pick authorization (full access)


Pack sales

Sale - Sales list and tasks (full access)

Sale - Sale task – Pack authorization (full access)


Receive - With PO

Purchase - Purchases list and tasks (full access)

Purchase - Purchase task -Stock received authorization (full access)

Receive - No PO

Purchase - Purchase task – Stock received authorization (full access)

Put Away

Put Away

Inventory - Stock transfers list and tasks (full access)



Inventory - Stocktake tasks (full access)                                                                          

Stock Lookup

Look up stock availability

Inventory - Product availability (full-access)                                                                          

Stock Transfer

View stock transfers

Inventory - Stock transfers list and tasks (read-only)

Execute stock transfer (by order, from location, to location, bin transfer)

Inventory - Stock transfers list and tasks (full access)

Void stock transfer

Inventory - Stock transfers - void (full access)

Undo stock transfer

Inventory - Stock transfers - undo (full access)

Write off

Inventory write-off

Production - Inventory write-off tasks (full access)

Delivery schedule

View and execute deliveries

Tasks - Can view only assigned tasks (full access)

Print Labels

Print labels if barcode is available

Inventory - Products and Families (full access)

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